“It’s just a few drinks…I’m ok to drive.” How many times have you heard that from family members or friends? When it comes to drinking and driving, staying safe is about something deeper than confidence in your ability to drive under the influence. It’s about making responsible choices – and that starts with being sober and clear-headed behind the wheel.
Drunk driving remains a significant issue on our roads. Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau 2022 data shows 35% of Iowa’s fatal crashes involved an impaired driver. That year, 1,100 drivers were also charged with OWI on Iowa roads – about 25% of those were second and third offenses.
“Dry January” has become a month where some take the personal challenge to reset and abstain from alcohol. It’s the perfect time to reflect on how our choices affect those around us. Whether it’s a weekend night out, or a casual dinner or watch party at someone’s home, always plan ahead for a sober ride home if you’ll be drinking.
There are many smart and classy solutions for getting home safely without putting others at risk. Use rideshare apps, designate a sober driver, or stay the night.
Driving sober is also about more than avoiding tickets or crashes. It’s about caring for your passengers, other drivers, and pedestrians. For you “Anchorman” fans, let’s all take Ron Burgundy’s sign-off to heart and “Stay Classy, Iowa.”
In 2025 in Iowa, 7 people have been killed in traffic crashes. That’s an increase of 7 since last Friday. In Iowa in 2024, there were 352 traffic-related deaths. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at