Archives: September 2024
Roadside Chat – Using your blinker. Very demure. Very mindful.
September 27, 2024
The whole world seems to be talking about being “demure” and “mindful.” But what does that actually mean? According to Jools Lebron the TikToker who started the trending phrase, it refers to “a refined, subtle elegance in various contexts.” What could be more refined and elegant than helping others sharing the road with you understand where you are going by using your turn signal?
Personnel updates for Aug. 30 to Sept. 12, 2024
September 20, 2024
Roadside Chat – Jolene, Jolene I'm begging you to buckle your kids
September 20, 2024
In Dolly Parton’s 1973 hit she famously begs a beauty named Jolene to not take her man away from her. Much like Jolene, the road can be a cruel mistress taking those we love away from us by not practicing safe behaviors.
One simple thing you can do to keep those you love safe from the dangers of the road is make sure that your kids, or anyone in your vehicle for that matter, are safely buckled, every trip, every time.
Roadside Chat – Friday the 13th – Avoid ladders and speeding
September 13, 2024
In Western superstition, a Friday that falls on the thirteenth day of the month is considered bad luck. There are many stories about the origin of the superstition and a whole franchise showcases the bad luck of the characters that appear in the movies.
For many, Friday the thirteenth is a day where you should not tempt fate and avoid things like walking under ladders, opening an umbrella inside, or placing a mirror in a place where it could break. Other risky behavior that is smart to avoid any day of the month is speeding behind the wheel.
Roadside Chat – Cyclone or Hawkeye? Both wear helmets – just sayin.'
September 6, 2024
This weekend Iowa’s annual CyHawk series takes place in Iowa City. Whether you are rooting for the team in cardinal and gold or the one in black and gold, one piece of equipment that is consistent on both sides of the field is a helmet.