Roadside Chat – What rhymes with whiskey? Risky! Drive sober.

7-5-Whiskey-RiskyMost people enjoy a good rhyme. Heck, without them Dr. Seuss and rap music wouldn’t be nearly as catchy. A good rhyme can also serve to remind us of the dangerous behaviors we may be about to partake in.

You may enjoy a few alcoholic beverages to celebrate the holiday weekend. If drinking is on your agenda, here are a few tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to keep you safe:

  1. Plan your safe ride home before you start the party, choose a non-drinking friend as a designated driver.
  2. If someone you know has been drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel. Take their keys and help them arrange a sober ride home. 
  3. If you drink, do not drive for any reason. Call a taxi, a ride-hailing service, or a sober friend. 
  4. If you’re hosting a party where alcohol will be served, make sure all guests leave with a sober driver.
  5. Always wear your seat belt — it’s your best defense against impaired drivers.

This week we had the chance to talk a bit about the “secret sauce” that goes into our weekly safety message. Hear all about it.

Thanks to Corey T. for the nugget that inspired this message!

In 2024 in Iowa, 137 people have been killed in traffic crashes. That’s an increase of 9 since last Friday. In Iowa in 2023, there were 377 traffic-related deaths. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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