Roadside Chat – Drive buzzed & you may bee without a license
In Iowa you are over the legal limit to drive if your blood alcohol content is .08 or higher. How quickly it takes you to become legally drunk will depend on a variety of factors such as your body composition, the type of alcohol you are drinking, or how much food you ate. Even if you feel like you are just buzzed, you can start feeling and showing signs of impairment the moment you take your first drink.
Getting behind the wheel with any amount of alcohol in your system can impact your judgement and decision-making skills creating a dangerous situation for yourself, your passengers, and anyone who shares the road with you. In addition, your blood alcohol level can rise as your body processes the alcohol and you can go from buzzed to legally drunk leading to the loss of your license, fines, jail time, a variety of complications in your life, and even death.
This week is National Pollinator Week, meant to raise awareness for pollinators and how we can protect the kind of buzzing that keeps our environment thriving.
This message was sent to us from Grant O.
In 2024 in Iowa, 126 people have been killed in traffic crashes. That’s an increase of 7 since last Friday. In Iowa in 2023, there were 377 traffic-related deaths. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at