Roadside Chat - Full of holiday spirits? Find a sober ride

12-8 full of holiday spiritsThis is the time of year when you may be celebrating for many reasons. That also means it can also be a dangerous time to be on the roads as drivers get behind the wheel after drinking. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to make a drive dangerous. Even one drink can impact the way you drive.

December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. According to national data, nearly a third of deadly car crashes in America involve alcohol, and some 26 million people drove under the influence in 2020, endangering themselves, passengers, passersby, and the first responders who work to keep our roads safe.

If you plan on drinking this holiday season, also plan a sober ride home. If you’re hosting a holiday celebration, help all of your guests celebrate responsibly.

  1. Designate a driver to help you get home safely.
  2. Use a ride-share app to call for a sober ride.
  3. If you’re in a safe place, stay where you are if you can’t find a sober ride.

How many people can your decisions impact?

So far this year in Iowa, 350 people have been killed in traffic crashes. That’s an increase of 13 since last Friday. In Iowa in 2022, there were 337 traffic-related deaths. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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