Personnel updates for Dec. 8 to Dec. 21, 2023
New Hires
Lucas Allsup, mechanic, Adair garage
Russell Alves, driver & identification service center supervisor 2, Driver and Identification Services - Field Service
Adam Bell, public service supervisor, Distribution Center
Matt Dickerson, highway technician associate, Neola garage
Blake Esbeck, highway technician associate, Adair garage
Tom George, highway technician associate, De Soto garage
Travis Halm, transportation planner 2, Systems Planning - Administration
Kenneth Hay, driver & identification service center supervisor 2, Driver and Identification Services - Field Service.
Yusein Herrera, highway technician, Coralville garage
Cameron Hershey, geologist 2, Design Soils Design Section 1
Braeden Kunkel, highway technician associate, Sioux City-Hamilton garage
Bethany Nichols, program planner 2, Central Programs
Martin Obrecht, highway technician associate, De Soto garage
Christopher Stewart, mechanic, Clarinda garage
Eryn Stone, transportation engineer specialist, Local Systems
Nicholas Duvall, from highway technician associate to highway technician, Washington garage
Ronald Peiffer, from assistant survey party chief, District 5 Office, to highway technician senior, Fairfield construction
Kyle Schrock, from transportation engineer to transportation engineer specialist, Design Projects Section - Rural 1
Other personnel actions
David Thompson, motor vehicle investigator, Bureau of Investigation & Identity Protection (Reinstatement to Iowa DOT)
Cheryl Cowie, program planner 2, Research and Analytics
Brian Stevenson, highway technician associate, Altoona garage
Timothy Van Brogen, highway technician associate, Newton garage
Still thinking training classes for local 177 out of Des Moines I've been doing training classes on my own for department of transportation
Posted by: Jerry L Bosely | 12/30/2023 at 05:16 AM