Roadside Chat - School is in. Buses are out. Students are about.

8-25 busesIt’s back-to-school time in Iowa! Did you know the greatest risk to your kids isn’t while they are riding on the bus? When the bus is stopped to load or unload passengers is the time for the most concern.


Many don’t know when it is legal to pass a stopped school bus. Here are the basic rules that apply: 

  • Approaching the bus from the rear: When you see flashing red or amber warning lights, you are not permitted to pass the school bus and should be prepared to stop. Stop behind the school bus when it stops and the stop arm is extended. Stop no closer than 15 feet from the rear of the bus and remain stopped until the stop arm is retracted and the school bus starts moving again. Proceed with caution.

  • Meeting the bus from the front in the opposite lane on a two-lane road: When you see flashing red or amber warning lights, you are not permitted to pass the school bus and should be prepared to stop. Stop in the opposite lane of traffic when the school bus stops and the stop arm is extended. Remain stopped until the stop arm is retracted and the school bus starts moving again. Proceed with caution.

  • Meeting the bus from the front in the opposite lane on a four-lane (or more) road: You do not need to stop, even if the bus has stopped with lights flashing and stop arm out. The bus is not permitted to load or unload children who must cross this type of roadway unless there are official traffic control devices or law enforcement present. This is the only time you may pass a school bus that is stopped and has its stop arm extended.


Check out more info on driving around buses info at

So far this year in Iowa, 245 people have been killed in traffic crashes. That’s an increase of 15 since last Friday. In Iowa in 2022, there were 338 traffic-related deaths. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

This article is a little confusing regarding to the bus stops. The last paragraph before the graphics or pictures says that on a three-lanes or more road while you are driving toward a bus on opposite side of the road you can pass the bus that has is flashing red lights on and stop arm out. But the graphics below the paragraph says that you cannot pass the bus on a three-lanes road or less. I think this needs to be a little clearer for the three-lanes road. The two-lanes and four-lanes I can understand. Either the graphics is wrong, or the paragraph is wrong. I am not complaining, I am just trying to help to make this article less confusing. Thanks for your time and have a great day.

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