Personnel updates for May 12 to May 25, 2023

New personnel imageInformation supplied by the Business Systems Bureau


New Hires

Anthony Apland, design technician associate, Design

Jeremy Bohlen, mechanic, Sidney garage

Jonathan Holmes, highway technician associate, Clarion garage

Dylan Pryor, transportation engineer associate, District 3 Office

Corey Roberts, highway technician associate, De Soto garage

Teri Schulz, purchasing agent 3, Procurement and Distribution



John Buck, from highway technician associate, Decorah garage, to highway technician senior, District 2 paint crew

Jason Cook, from highway technician associate to highway technician senior, Davenport garage

Keith Feller, from highway technician senior, Spencer garage, to garage operations assistant, Alton garage

Brett Geer, from highway technician senior, Red Oak garage, to garage operations assistant, Clarinda garage

Jessica Green, from driver & identification service center specialist to driver & identification service center consultant, Davenport driver’s license service center

Brett Kloss, from design technician specialist to engineering technician senior, Bridge Methods

Jerrod Okland, from parts worker to purchasing agent 1, Procurement and Distribution Bureau

David Readnour, from highway technician senior to construction technician senior, Cedar Rapids construction

Patrick Rush, from clerk specialist to administrative assistant 1, Customer Service – Customer Service Processing

Zachary Simpson, from training specialist 1, Human Resources Bureau, to highway maintenance supervisor, Carlisle garage


Other personnel actions

Chad Rumbaugh, highway technician senior, from District 1 paint crew to Bridge Maintenance and Inspection (Intra-agency transfer)

Bethany Waltersdorf, engineering technician senior, from District 4 operations manager to District 3 Office (Intra-agency transfer)



Claude Frazier, Carlisle garage




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