Roadside Chat - What drives you to slow down and drive chill?

3-24 what drives you to drive chillTake it easy, simmer down, ease off, chill – these are all terms that mean the same thing – RELAX. When you’re behind the wheel and other drivers aren’t doing what you expect, it’s easy to get aggressive and do things you know you shouldn’t do.

Speeding is something you might do to get past that annoying driver, but there are other aggressive behaviors that are also dangerous.

  • Dodging in and out of traffic
  • Passing on the right
  • Running stop signs or red lights
  • Tailgating
  • Cutting off other drivers
  • Moving out of turn at an intersection

Driving chill is just one of the ways you can help make Iowa’s roads safer. Another is to join the fight for safer roads by connecting with us as we discover, together, what drives you to be a safer driver:

Thank you for slowing down, buckling up, paying attention, driving sober, and wearing your seat belt every time you are behind the wheel. It makes a difference for all of us.

Here’s more about aggressive driving from our neighbors to the north -

So far this year in Iowa, 63 people have been killed in traffic crashes. That’s an increase of five since last Friday. In Iowa in 2022, there were 338 traffic-related deaths. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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