Personnel updates for Nov. 11-24, 2022

New personnel image

Information supplied by the Business Systems Bureau

New Hires

Robert Borgeson, highway technician associate, Jefferson garage

Jake Daron, highway technician, Waverly, garage

Nathanial Gillis, highway technician associate, Swea City garage

Josiah Johnson, highway technician associate, Williams garage

Cody Kent, highway technician associate, Altoona garage

Aaron Morriss, highway technician associate, Boone garage

Matthew Reesink, highway technician associate, Tipton garage

Ben Sieleman, highway technician associate, Atlantic garage

Kasey Spring, highway technician associate, Council Bluffs-north garage

Nathan Tapkin, highway technician associate, De Soto garage

Joseph Tully, highway technician associate, Martensdale garage


Kendall Anderson, from highway technician associate, Alton garage to bridge inspector 1, Bridges & Structures

Julie Brown, from purchasing agent 1 to purchasing agent 2, Procurement and Distribution

Cory Feltner, from highway technician associate to highway technician, Red Oak garage

Christopher Glenn, from highway technician senior to garage operations assistant, Williams garage

Ryan Jackson, from highway technician senior to materials technician 4, District 1 materials

Mohamed Mohamed, from highway maintenance supervisor, Altoona garage to public service supervisor, Maintenance

Steven Stonehocker, from executive officer 2, Driver Programs to public service manager 1, Systems and Administration

Other personnel actions

Thomas Hughes, highway technician senior, from Davenport construction to Davenport garage (intra-agency transfer)

Terry Mammen, highway technician senior, from Cherokee construction to Correctionville garage (intra-agency transfer)

Cassidy Stone, transportation engineer associate, from Construction & Materials to Design (intra-agency transfer)

Trent Terrell, highway technician, Leon garage (reemployment to the DOT)

Jeffrey Wessley, highway technician associate, Washington garage (reemployment to the Iowa DOT)

Brian Worrel, transportation engineer specialist, from Research & Analytics to Construction & Materials (intra-agency transfer)


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