Personnel updates for April 1, 2022 to April 14, 2022
New Hires
Alexis Alexander, driver & identification services center specialist, Des Moines driver’s license service center
Adam Andregg, highway technician associate, Waterloo garage
Kathleen Fitzsimmons, driver & identification service center specialist, Ames driver’s license service center
Zachary Garner, highway technician associate, Ottumwa garage
Tanner Johns, highway technician associate, Des Moines garage
Stacy Madyun, driver & identification services center specialist, Des Moines driver’s license service center
Caleb Moyer, highway technician associate, Mount Ayr garage
Michael Wingert, highway technician associate, Sioux City – Leeds garage
Dana Blue, from right-of-way agent 2 to right-of-way agent 3, Right of Way
Michael Davis, from driver & identification service center specialist to driver & identification service center consultant, Sioux City driver’s license service center
Matthew Erickson, from transportation engineer to transportation engineer specialist, Bridges & Structures
John Hart, from transportation engineer specialist, Construction & Materials, to public service executive, Maintenance
Genevieve Heinold, from driver & identification service center specialist to driver & identification service center consultant, Dubuque driver’s license service center
Cory Kirkpatrick, from garage operations assistant, Adair garage, to highway maintenance supervisor, De Soto garage
Jason Klemme, from transportation engineer specialist, District 3 Office, to transportation engineer manager, Sioux City construction
Joseph Mohlis, from highway technician, West Union garage, to highway technician senior, New Hampton garage
Eric Nelson, from highway technician senior to garage operations assistant, District 4 paint crew
Logan Wells, from transportation engineer to transportation engineer specialist, Bridges & Structures
Other personnel matters
Jesse Ahrens, from construction technician senior, from Grimes construction to Jefferson construction (Intra-agency transfer)
Krystal Christensen, accountant 2, Accounting (transfer from other state agency)
Joe Davis, highway technician associate, from De Soto garage to Perry garage (Intra-agency transfer)
Patrick Hayes, highway technician senior, from Mount Pleasant garage to Waukon garage (Intra-agency transfer)
Tony Rubendall, highway technician associate, from Sioux City – Hamilton garage to Correctionville garage (Intra-agency transfer)
Bill Vandekop, highway technician associate, Rock Rapids garage (reemployment to Iowa DOT)
Jamie Wagner, highway technician associate, from Newhall garage to Cedar Rapids garage (Intra-agency transfer)
Jerry Andregg, construction technician senior, Manchester construction
Kurtis Shackelford, engineering technician senior, District 4 Office
David Smith, highway maintenance supervisor, Leon garage