Roadside Chat - They're using their turn signal. There you go

3-4 grammar dayHappy National Grammar Day! If you are writing to someone and want to be understood, it’s critical to use the right words. If your writing isn’t clear, your reader may have to guess what you’re trying to say.

When you’re behind the wheel, don’t make other drivers guess your next move. Using your turn signal lets the people who share the road with you know what you intend to do and allows them to act or react accordingly. That makes the road safer for all of us.

Here is a list of maneuvers where you will want to use your turn signal, according to

  • Making a left or right-hand turn at an intersection.
  • Entering a driveway or parking lot on either side of the road.
  • Parking on the side of the street.
  • Pulling over to the side of the road.
  • Changing lanes.
  • Passing another vehicle on the road.
  • Merging with traffic when entering a roadway.

This is a  simple but very informative tutorial on how and when to use your turn signals -

So far in 2022, there have been 37 deaths in traffic crashes. That’s an increase of eight since last Friday. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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