Personnel updates for February 18 to March 3, 2022
New Hires
Julie Duncan, engineering office assistant 2, Maintenance
Jessica Felix, public service executive, District 3 Office
Quentin Ferguson, highway technician associate, Carlisle garage
Trent Goettsch, highway technician associate, Cherokee garage
Ross Hoegh, highway technician associate, Ida Grove garage
Travis Malone, transportation engineer associate, Creston construction
Jeremy Robberts, highway technician associate, Clarinda garage
Scott Rose, highway technician associate, Jefferson garage
Schae Shepherd, driver & identification service center specialist, Iowa City driver’s license service center
Amanda Sholley, clerk specialist, Driver & Identification Services
Deric Small, highway technician associate, Missouri Valley garage
Luke Williams, mechanic, Knoxville garage
Jordan Yaukovitz, revenue auditor 2, Finance
Mark Dutra, from materials technician 4 to materials technician 5, District 6 materials
Michael Lauritsen, from transportation engineer, District 1 materials , to transportation engineer specialist, District 1 Office
Kyle O’Riley, from design technician to design technician specialist, Design Projects Section – Rural 2
Carey Seuntjens, from highway technician associate to highway technician senior, Denison garage
Adam Stoakes, from highway technician, Tama garage, to highway technician senior, Marshalltown construction
Blake Wittrock, from motor vehicle sergeant to motor vehicle captain, Motor Vehicle Enforcement
Michael Wood, from driver & identification service center consultant, Ames driver’s license service center, to driver & identification service center supervisor 2, Driver & Identification Services
Other personnel matters
Ethan Burgess, highway technician associate, Sloan garage (Reemployment to Iowa DOT)
Richard Heishman, highway technician associate, from Newton garage to Grinnell garage (Intra-agency transfer)
Tammi Bell, training specialist 2, Local Systems
Debra Carney, compliance officer 1, Driver & Identification Services
Daniel Connard, construction technician, Davenport construction
Wayne Copeland, mechanic, Denison garage