Personnel updates for August 20 to September 2, 2021
New Hires
Daniel Bales, mechanic, Iowa Falls garage
Ryan Girsch, highway technician, Waterloo garage
Austin Modlin, highway technician associate, Iowa Falls garage
Jarid Catrenich, from compliance officer 2 to public service manager 1, Vehicle & Motor Carrier Services
Myron Fox, from assistant survey party chief to survey party chief, Design
Daniel Frettim, from power plant engineer 3 to HVAC coordinator, Support Services
John Hahn, from assistant survey party chief to survey party chief, Design
Matthew Heuvelmann, from garage operations assistant, District 5 Office, to highway maintenance supervisor, Sigourney garage
Russell Schmidt, from materials technician 3 to machinist, Construction & Materials
Frederick Specht, from driver & identification service center associate to driver & identification service center specialist, Clinton driver’s license service center
Kevin Weber, from mechanic to highway technician senior, Ida Grove garage
Wei Zhao, from information technology specialist 4 to information technology specialist 5, Administration, Planning & Modal
Other personnel matters
Benjamin Allen, highway technician associate, Alton garage (reemployment to DOT)
David Readnour, highway technician senior, Cedar Rapids construction (reemployment to DOT)
Stava Beatty, highway technician associate, from Waterloo garage to Des Moines garage (intra-agency transfer)
Shannon Anderson, engineering office assistant 2, Maintenance
Jeff Hanson, highway technician associate, Spirit Lake garage
Darlene Ries, driver & identification service center specialist, Dubuque driver’s license service center
Mary Kay Solberg, environmental specialist senior, Environmental Services Unit
Jeffery Vander Zwaag, highway maintenance supervisor, Boone garage