Personnel updates for June 25 to July 8, 2021

New personnel imageInformation supplied by the Bureau of Budget and Business Systems








New Hires

Benjamin Adey, transportation engineer specialist, District 1 Office

Shane Neuhaus, transportation engineer manager, Cedar Rapids construction

Yih-Shan Sheu, budget analyst 3, Budget & Business Systems

Heath Smidt, highway technician, Des Moines garage

Colton Thompson, highway technician associate, Council Bluffs South Garage

Tim Wilson, highway technician associate, Grimes garage



Paul Cornelius, from executive officer 2 to executive officer 3, Vehicle & Motor Carrier Services

Matthew Freund, from highway technician senior to construction technician senior, Davenport construction

Christopher Poole, from transportation engineer specialist to transportation engineer administrator, Traffic & Safety


Other personnel actions

Darrick Bielser, transportation engineer associate, District 5 Office (reemployment to DOT)

Robert Fredrickson, assistant survey party chief, Design (reemployment to DOT)

Michael Starling, mechanic, from Repair Shop to Boone garage (intra-agency transfer)

Connor Walters, highway technician associate, Jefferson garage (reemployment to DOT)



Donna Buchwald, transportation engineer executive, Local Systems

Steven Chapman, right-of-way agent 3, Right of Way

Russell Cornelius, mechanic, Carroll garage

Karen Meeks, clerk specialist, Driver & Identification Services

Peggy Phipps, engineering office assistant 1, Sign Shop

Rhonda Ruark, purchasing agent 3, Procurement & Distribution

Kevin Tesch, highway technician associate, Alton garage

Robert Wortman, land surveyor senior, District 3 Office

Allan Yoshida, highway technician senior, Atlantic garage

Paint all on ramps and exit ramps a different color. Also, have the new process as a test question for a long time.

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