Message Monday - Buckle up. This is the way.

5-3 this is the wayBuckle up. Experience, research, and thousands of saved lives show that by simply clicking that belt, you’re significantly less likely to die in a serious crash than if you were unbuckled.

And if you don’t buckle up to save your own life, think about those in the vehicle with you. Unbuckled people act as projectiles in a crash, often causing serious injuries or killing others in the vehicle who are buckled.

Then there are those who argue that they are in a vehicle alone and should have the right to be unbuckled. But think this through. If you’re alone in a vehicle and have to swerve, having the belt around you will keep you in your seat with your hands on the wheel, possibly preventing a crash.

Do you always buckle up -even in a rideshare? Here’s a reminder from the Colorado DOT to “Beware of the beltless” -

So far in 2021, there have been 69 deaths in traffic crashes. That is an increase of four since last Monday. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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