Transportation Matters in Iowa

Archives: March 2021

Message Monday - Safe driving is a game changer - bet ya house!

Message Monday - Safe driving is a game changer - bet ya house!

March 29, 2021

3-29 game changerOur vehicles continue to get smarter and safer. From seat belts to anti-lock brakes to safety glass and crumple zones, vehicles have never provided better protection. But technology can only do so much. The decisions you make when you’re behind the wheel can make all the difference between life and death in a crash.



Personnel updates for March 5 to March 18, 2021

Personnel updates for March 5 to March 18, 2021

March 26, 2021

New personnel imageInformation supplied by the Bureau of Budget and Business Systems








Message Monday - Perfect brackets don't survive. You can. Buckle up

Message Monday - Perfect brackets don't survive. You can. Buckle up

March 22, 2021

3-22 perfect bracketsWith 68 games in the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, the NCAA estimates your chances of completing a perfect bracket are about 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 – that’s if you just guess or flip a coin for each game with no other knowledge of basketball.

Your odds of winning are better if you have more knowledge of the teams, their histories and the sport itself. That philosophy isn’t different for driving. If you know your own habits, the way your vehicle operates, and the rules of the road, your chances of survival increase dramatically.

Message Monday - Lost sleep? Find it in a rest area

Message Monday - Lost sleep? Find it in a rest area

March 15, 2021

3-15 lost sleepWith the start of daylight savings time, many of us “lose” an hour of sleep. Can that impact the way you drive? Getting accurate data on the number of people injured or killed in drowsy-driving crashes is not possible, yet we know the problem exists from people self-reporting drowsiness as an issue in some crashes.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, sleepiness can result in crashes any time of the day or night, but three factors are most commonly associated with drowsy-driving crashes.

Personnel updates for Feb. 19 to Mar. 4, 2021

Personnel updates for Feb. 19 to Mar. 4, 2021

March 12, 2021

New personnel imageInformation supplied by the Bureau of Budget and Business Systems








Long-standing partnership with TRB helps bring resources and relationships to Iowa

Long-standing partnership with TRB helps bring resources and relationships to Iowa

March 11, 2021

AdobeStock_176482417 (1)No one agency has all the answers. The Iowa Department of Transportation has a long history of collaborating with other states and national organizations to explore options to make Iowa’s transportation system the best in the country.

Online public input tool going strong to keep projects moving

Online public input tool going strong to keep projects moving

March 8, 2021

AdobeStock_335501114At the Iowa Department of Transportation, we want to hear what you think about roadway and bridge projects that might impact you, whether they are in the planning phase, under construction, or recently been constructed. To more easily gain this input, we’ve been using an online public meeting system for the past few years. Little did we know that tool would become invaluable in the age of COVID.  Being able to work through the public input process in a safe, online information portal keeps the work we do for you moving along without a hitch, even in a global pandemic.

Message Monday - Low inflation - good for economy, bad for tires

Message Monday - Low inflation - good for economy, bad for tires

March 8, 2021

3-8 low inflationFluctuations in temperatures this time of year can cause the air pressure in your tires to fluctuate, too. Why should you care? Proper tire inflation can not only improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency, it can help prolong the life of your tires and reduce the risk of tire failure.

March 2021 Service Awards

March 2021 Service Awards

March 1, 2021

ServiceawardInformation provided by the Budget and Business Systems Bureau







Message Monday - Don't stay left when you can drive right

Message Monday - Don't stay left when you can drive right

March 1, 2021

3-1 drive rightHow well a transportation system functions can depend on whether or not the system designers and users are on the same page. Take the left lane of a divided highway. Over the decades, road designers’ premise has been that the right lane is to be used for general traffic and the left lane is to be used for passing.

When a driver stays in the left lane and travels slower than the pace of traffic, the way the system flows can be disrupted, sometimes leading to frustration from the other drivers on the road.


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