Hartman named Iowa DOT driver’s license examiner for 2019

DuaneNow more than ever, we appreciate our amazing employees. One of them, Duane Hartman, has been named Driver and Identification Services Examiner of the year for 2019. As Iowa’s top examiner, Hartman, a 17-year veteran out of our Burlington driver’s license service center, was also recognized for his accomplishments by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.

In his nomination letter to AAMVA, his supervisor, Cheryl Hemmen, said, “Duane displays a high level of professionalism, compassion, and respect for all customers and adheres to the recommended practices of the Examiner’s Code of Ethics. Prior to any examination, Duane prepares his customer by thoroughly explaining the rules and regulations and answers any questions before the examination begins. When a customer does not pass an examination, Duane covers areas of improvement to ensure success on the customer’s next visit.  In calendar 2019 to date, Duane has examined 485 CDLs, 619 non-commercial, and 51 motorcycles, as well as issuing 2063 credentials.  Duane is actively involved in training new employees to administer CDLs, non-commercial and motorcycle testing, as well as issuance and records processing.”

2019 Examiner of the Year - 2
Cheri Hemmen (left) and Mary Ford (right) congratulate Duane Hartman on being honored as the AAMVA Examiner of the Year.

Mary Ford, who heads up all field operations for Driver & Identification Services, said, “Duane is simply amazing. His customer service is the best. He always goes above and beyond expectations. He will step up to any task that is asked of him. I appreciate his overwhelmingly positive attitude.”

His nomination letter goes on to say, “In addition to being a generally upbeat and nice person, Hartman is an effective team leader making sure the station is run efficiently and effectively, especially when it comes to technical problems.  He is very knowledgeable and catches on quickly to new computer programs, electronic devices, and our updates on issuance programs. As a supervisor, Hartman is very patient and kind helping his team members with any struggles they may have, helping them become great leaders also.”

Beyond his own driver’s service center, Hartman was also involved in our user acceptance testing group, testing software changes to our driver’s license and ID issuance system. This group ensured all upgrades and new requirements for the entire state were met and went off without any problems. His other duties include responding to criminal subpoenas to testify as a Driver & Identification Services designee, participating in presentations to help inmates re-enter society. He is also involved in assisting developmentally challenged students with the licensing process through a vocational rehabilitation program at the local community college.

Hartman is actively involved in his community and church and is a great role model for all Iowa DOT employees.

Even though I don't believe we have ever met, CONGRATULATIONS from the 1999 DL Examiner of the Year, Dale Mills, DL 13 Mason City, Retired. Nice work, man.

Great work, Duane!!

Congratulations Duane. You did an amazing and wonderful job educating and assisting my son with his license requirements after his seizures. I will always appreciate your kindness and patience. As a terrific man, I appreciate all you do for our community and all you have done for me. Thank you and congrats.

All the positive comments made about Duane are absolutely true. Our DOT is VERY lucky to have him. Congrats Duane!!!

Duane, I'm so incredibly proud of you! I know how much heart you put into your work and it's not just a "job" to you. You truly care about the people you serve.
Congratulations! 💓

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