Message Monday - How's that "no texting" resolution going?
Have you stuck with your resolution to save money, eat better, or go to the gym? By the end of January, many of those sincere New Year’s resolutions are already out the window.
Even if you haven’t stuck with your original resolutions, what about adding a new resolution, if it wasn’t already on your list, and sticking to it: put the phone down when you’re behind the wheel. It seems like such a simple thing, but for those of us who see our phones as our lifeline, it’s not so easy to do.
The Pew Research Center reports that 81 percent of Americans now own smartphones. If you have trouble disconnecting, you may actually be addicted to your device or at least have issues controlling the impulse to check your phone.
“Most people check their phone every 15 minutes or less, even if they have no alerts or notifications,” Larry Rosen, psychology professor and author of The Distracted Mind, tells CNBC. “We’ve built up this layer of anxiety surrounding our use of technology, that if we don’t check in as often as we think we should, we’re missing out.”
Break your addiction and focus on what really matters -
For 2020, there have been 16 fatalities reported. That’s an increase of three since last Monday. As of Jan. 24, 2020, the 2019 fatality count stands at 336. This is subject to change as law enforcement reports are completed. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at