Message Monday - That text is not going anywhere, but your car is

9-30 text not going anywhereHeaded to work? Running behind to meet a friend? Whatever your reason to be on the road, while you’re driving IS NOT the time to be sending a text.

The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use leads to 1.6 million crashes every year. They also say texting while driving is six times more likely to cause a crash than driving drunk.

But what if your vehicle has “hands-free” technology to send that text or make that call? Research by the NCS shows 53 percent of drivers believe if manufacturers put "infotainment" dashboards and hands-free technology in vehicles, they must be safe. And, with some state laws focusing on handheld bans, many drivers honestly believe they are making the safe choice by using a hands-free device. But in fact, these technologies still distract our brains from the task of driving even long after you've used them.

Levels of distraction

How does a “hands-free” system impact with your brain? -

For 2019, there have been 240 fatalities reported. That’s an increase of eight since last Monday. The 2018 fatality count stands at 319. This is subject to change as law enforcement reports are completed. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

The shoulders of highway 69 between the intersection of 69&3 all the way to Garner needs to be MOWED!! The tall grass along both sides there will cause serious drifting of snow..I travel this every day.

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