Message Monday - Safe driving is the best route to victory lane

8-5 victory laneLife goes by so quickly that it can seem like a series of races, always hurrying to get one thing done just so you can move on to the next.

When you are in your car, that pressure to get moving on to the next thing can cause you to disregard some common sense safety tips. Following these tips not only allow you to get where you’re going but help all the other drivers arrive alive, too.

Obey speed limits. One reason speed limits are in place is to keep traffic traveling at approximately the same speed. When someone is moving much slower or much faster than the speed limit, it can cause confusion or frustration for other drivers.  

Calm down. Aggressive driving includes frequent or unsafe lane changes, failing to signal or yield the right of way, tailgating, and disregarding traffic controls. Wherever you’re going, arriving alive is much more important than being on time.

Which U.S. cities have the most aggressive drivers?

For 2019, there have been 181 fatalities reported. That’s an increase of 11 since last Monday. The 2018 fatality count stands at 318. This is subject to change as law enforcement reports are completed. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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