Message Monday - If you feel different, you drive different

8-19 if you feel differentOver the years attitudes towards drunk driving have slowly changed, making it socially unacceptable in many circles. Research shows that most of us agree that we should discourage anyone who is noticeably drunk from getting behind the wheel of a car and never drive in that condition ourselves.

But what if you or your friend just had a few beers, smoked a little marijuana, or maybe you’ve been prescribed a new medication that bears a warning label to use caution when driving? Recognizing non-alcohol impairment might seem tricky and is harder to measure than a blood alcohol content of .08. But it’s as simple as answering this question, “Do you feel different than normal?” If so, the safest choice is to not drive.

If you feel different, you drive different.

For 2019, there have been 195 fatalities reported. That’s an increase of nine since last Monday. The 2018 fatality count stands at 319. This is subject to change as law enforcement reports are completed. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

I totally agree with the no tolerance drinking and driving.
but the driving with medication use caution is a catch 22.
when you start a new job and you are not allowed to miss any days in your first 90 days, live out in the country, have no other way of getting to work or anyone who you know could have time nor the finances to an alternate solution to driving situation. sometimes we hate it being that way but life leaves you with no choice.

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