Learning with Lynda

Online learningThe world of continuing education at the Iowa DOT just got a whole lot bigger. The Iowa DOT is now offering online training using started in 1995 as a small online learning company for animators and multimedia production folks and has been expanded to offer hundreds of learning opportunities in software, creative and business skills.

Want to learn a new skill, move up in the agency, or just find more efficient ways to do what you already do? can help by guiding you through a series of classes on what they refer to as a “learning path.”

Hope Arthur formerly of Employee Services who is now a training specialist with Construction and Materials, lead the initial implementation of She said, “Everyone who works at the Iowa DOT will have access to and is encouraged to take advantage of There’s no formal process to request a class like there is with PDS courses, but when you want to take work time for a class, you’ll need to clear that with your supervisor. While there are no limits to how many classes you can take, it is a good idea for you and your supervisor to sit down and determine how much time you have to devote to online learning as part of your employee development plans."

Learning paths screen shot

More than 1,300 courses have been uploaded into Iowa DOTU.  There are more than 4,000 remaining courses available by accessing directly, or through your O365 login.  If you enroll in classes through Iowa DOTU, courses will be documented in your transcript (training record).  

Sample DOTU page is offered to our employees as a supplement to the state of Iowa’s long-time training Performance and Development Solutions (PDS) courses. Watch this video for step-by-step instructions on how to enroll in or you can also find the video on DOTNET under “Current Specials.”

Arthur said, “We’re really excited about the opportunities this new learning environment can provide. It’s integrated right into Iowa DOTU, so individual classes and learning paths can be tracked and learners can receive credit for their work.”

Time management tips
This is a screenshot of a sample offering. Clicking on the arrow will not start the video. courses can also be taken off-the-clock anywhere at any time of the day using your Office365 login. Classes are offered on your desktop or an app is available for IPhone and IPad or Android. You can also access your account through Apple TV.

For questions about, contact [email protected]


Hi Carrie,

Our licensing agreement only covers Iowa DOT employees, but anyone can set up a Lynda account. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you. Thanks.

Hi Dan,

Our licensing agreement only covers Iowa DOT employees, but if you'd like to explore getting something in place for your agency, I'd be happy to put you in contact with someone. Just let me know. Thanks.

Hi DOTers,

Just wondering if the training is available to other agencies, or if this is planned in the future?

Thanks and let me know, it looks like a very valuable tool.


Is this available to non-IA DOT people?

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