Message Monday - Buckle in backseat required under 18, smart for all

9-24 message mondayIt’s Child Passenger Safety Week. This is a great time to take a minute to make sure your kids are riding in a seat best for their height, weight, and age.

Most parents are great at making sure the little ones are as safe as possible in the back seat. But what about older kids or adult passengers back there?

A recent Insurance Institute for Highway Safety survey showed of the 1,172 respondents who said they had ridden in the back seat of a vehicle during the preceding six months, 72 percent said they always use their belt in the back seat, while 91 percent said they always use their belt when seated in front.

The survey reveals that many rear-seat passengers don't think belts are necessary because they perceive the back seat to be safer than the front. Data shows that seat belts are important no matter where a person sits in a vehicle.

If you’re still unclear about why everyone in the vehicle should buckle up, no matter where they are seated, watch this

For 2018, there have been 230 fatalities reported. That’s an increase of eight since last Monday. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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