Message Monday - Triple dog dare ... put down the phone
We’re serious about getting you to put down your phone when you’re behind the wheel. So serious that we’re not dog daring you, or even double dog daring you. Please excuse our slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple dare and going right for the throat, the “triple dog dare,” the most serious of all dares.
We get it. It’s the holidays and everyone is trying to keep track of a million different things, there are gifts to buy and get-togethers to plan. According to a survey of Iowa drivers we conducted in 2016, 30 percent of respondents indicated they drive while distracted once a month, however 32 percent admit to texting while driving daily.
Make sure you’re around to follow through on all those commitments and put the phone away while you’re driving.
Dare, dog dare, double dare, double dog dare, triple dare and even triple dog dare … do what you have to do to get your point across -
The fatality count of 323 is an increase of nine since last Monday. In all of 2016, 402 people were killed on Iowa highways. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at
Cute! May god bless us all as we travel, many miles to reach our love ones, or to just go to the corner store. A traveling prayer: "no matter where we are" " No matter what we are doing" Please DO NOT take the double dare ..the triple dare.. Our lives are already numbered. Have a safe and happy journey. AHO
Posted by: me | 12/18/2017 at 08:13 AM