Message Monday - D'Oh... watch out for deer

11-6 message mondayWhat’s your go-to phrase when you make a mistake? For Homer Simpson, it’s “D’Oh!”  That word also fits right in with mistakes some drivers make on the road this time of year when they come upon an unexpected deer.

This time of year deer are on the move with the annual mating season called the rut, farmers chasing them out of the field during harvest, and hunting season in full swing.

Here are a couple of helpful tips for driving during the deer “busy season.”

  1. Don’t veer for deer. If you see a deer on or near the road, brake firmly, but don’t swerve out of your lane, either into on-coming traffic or off the shoulder or into the ditch.
  2. If you hit a deer, move your vehicle to a safe place and call 911.
    1. Not all insurance companies require you to file a police report when you hit a deer, but it is advisable to contact authorities.
    2. By reporting the crash, you help the Iowa departments of Transportation and Natural Resources track deer collisions and monitor where more fencing or signs might be helpful.
    3. Keep your distance. If you do hit a deer, don’t approach it. That deer is a wild animal and if it is injured and frightened, it can be very dangerous. The police will call the proper authorities to remove the deer.

Homer-simpson-dohHere are the short and longer version of Homer’s famous “D’ohs” – short - - long -

The fatality count of 288 is an increase of six since last Monday. In all of 2016, 402 people were killed on Iowa highways. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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