Message Monday - Yellow bus and red lights mean stop
To pass or not to pass, that is the question. The laws about when it is legal to pass a stopped school bus can be confusing. The Iowa Department of Transportation has developed this graphic to help you know when Iowa law allows you to drive past a school bus that is stopped, has lights flashing, and a stop arm out.
For the actual text of Iowa’s school bus passing law, go to
Iowa’s laws are in place to protect our children. The threat of a child being hit is disturbing, let alone watching it happen. Hear from a school bus driver who witnessed it happen and find out why motorists need to use caution around busses-
The fatality count of 205 is an increase of 13 since last Monday. In all of 2016, 404 people were killed on Iowa highways. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at