Message Monday - Beat the heat - is baby in the back seat?

7-31 message mondayHeatstroke kills children. It seems so simple to correct, never leave a baby alone in a car. Yet, every year children die of heatstroke from confinement in a hot vehicle. At least two children in the United States die every week in hot vehicles during the summer months, according to the National Safety Council. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that as of July 12, 19 children have died this year in the United States after being left in hot cars.

What you can you to make sure this tragedy never happens to a child in your care?

  • Look Before You Lock.Get into the routine of always checking the back seats of your vehicle before your lock it and walk away.
  • A Gentle Reminder.Keep a stuffed animal or other memento in your child’s car seat when it’s empty, and move it to the front seat as a visual reminder when your child is in the back seat. Or place your phone, briefcase, or purse in the back seat when traveling with your child.
  • A Routine Check. If someone else is driving your child, or your daily routine has been altered, always check to make sure your child has arrived safely.
  • A Key to Safety.You know to keep your vehicle locked, but also keep your keys out of reach; nearly 3 in 10 heatstroke deaths happen when an unattended child gains access to a vehicle.


The fatality count of 170 is an increase of eight since last Monday. In all of 2016, 405 people were killed on Iowa highways. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality report at

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