Message Monday - Snow happens, crashes don't have to

2-28 message mondayThere are still a group of people out there who think traffic crashes are bound to happen. What we all need to realize is that the vast majority of fatal crashes, 94 percent according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, happened because drivers made bad choices. Crashes will be drastically reduced when drivers make better decisions each and every time they get behind the wheel.



If you are really honest with yourself, how would you answer these questions?

  • Do you buckle up, every seat, ever trip?
  • How’s the lead in that foot? Can you keep your vehicle at or below the speed limit?
  • Is something or someone taking your attention away from the task of driving?
  • Do you get enough sleep before you get behind the wheel?
  • Have you ever been behind the wheel when you are impaired by alcohol or drugs, even prescription medications?

We have choices to make every time we grasp the steering wheel. Crashes don’t have to happen if we take those choices seriously and make the right decisions.

What happens if we take the driver’s decisions out of the equation? Will automated vehicles and advanced vehicle technology make roads more safe?

The fatality count of 33 is an increase of four since last Monday. Preliminary number show that in all of 2016, 403 people were killed on Iowa highways. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to the daily fatality count

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