Message Monday- Drinking & Driving is like Pop Rocks & cola
There are some things that just don’t go together. At one time, a popular urban legend was that if you eat pop rocks candy and then drink cola, you would die. According to the legend, the combination had proven lethal to poor Mikey, the spokeskid for Life cereal.
While we now know combining pop rocks and cola won’t kill you, there is a mountain of data that shows combining alcohol and then driving just might. Of the 403 deaths on Iowa’s roadways last year, more than 30 percent involved an impaired driver.
Here’s the truth behind the legend of the lethal combination of pop rocks and cola -
The fatality count of eight is an increase of five since last Monday. Preliminary number show that In all of 2016, 403 people were killed on Iowa highways. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to daily fatality count.