Message Monday - The best offense is good defensive driving

9-5 message mondayWith the high school and college football seasons well underway, offense and defense are two words you’re likely to hear a lot in the coming months. So how does that relate to safe driving?

We all would like to think we’re good drivers, and maybe you are. But what about the  guy or gal behind the wheel of the car coming at you? You can have the best offensive driving skills and be a great driver, but unless your defensive skills are just as good, that other driver might cause you problems.


Just like on the football field, the defense has to prepare for what the offense might throw at them. Hone your defense by:

  1. Staying focused on the task of driving. Everything else can wait.
  2. Staying alert. Stop to rest if you’re tired and keep a constant eye on what’s going on around you.
  3. Wear your safety gear. If the offense throws you off course the best way to stay safe is to have your seat belt buckled.

Check out this amazing video of a truck driver’s mad defensive driving skills. He saved the lives a three teenagers.

The fatality count of 256 is an increase of five from last Monday. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to

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