Message Monday - Hit the Road Jack - don't you text back no more, no more

8-8 message mondayWe’re coming to the last days of summer and many people are hitting the road for a last little getaway before school starts. But what if a friend or family member is on the road and you just HAVE to get in touch?

When a person is behind the wheel their most important job is to focus on the task of driving. The only line of defense against distracted driving is the choices each driver makes behind the wheel. If you know someone is driving, don’t tempt them by calling or texting them. If you’re driving, don’t respond to calls or text messages until you have pulled over to a safe location.

We’ve gotten so used to being instantly connected that you may feel slighted when someone doesn’t respond right away to a call or text. And when you’re in the driver’s seat it may be tempting to respond when you hear that familiar ring or alert. It’s okay to temporarily ignore your phone. It could save your life or that of someone else’s on the road.

Just in case the song isn’t in your head yet…

The fatality count of 225 is an increase of 11 from last Monday. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to

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