Transportation Matters in Iowa

Archives: June 2016

See something, say something

See something, say something

June 13, 2016

IMG_5251As Midwesterners, we’re a trusting bunch. Many of us grew up in small towns where you rarely, if ever, saw a need to lock your house or your vehicle. Unfortunately, times have changed, even here in the heartland.

Last fall the U.S. Department of Homeland Security conducted a safety audit of the Iowa DOT’s Ankeny and Ames facilities. In a blog post last November, you read about the safety changes that were taking place in Ankeny. If you have been in Ames lately, you may have noticed that things are changing a bit there too.


Message Monday - June 13, 2016 - Life moves pretty fast already. No need to speed

Message Monday - June 13, 2016 - Life moves pretty fast already. No need to speed

June 13, 2016

6-13 message mondayIt was 30 years ago that Ferris Bueller took the day off to slow down and enjoy life. Among Ferris’ more memorable movie lines is “Life moves pretty fast,” which is the perfect reminder for those of us who are on the road.

According the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2013, speeding was a contributing factor in 29 percent of all fatal crashes, and 9,613 lives were lost. Speeding-related fatalities decreased by 2 percent from 2012. They have accounted for about one-third of all fatal crashes since 2002.

Is it really worth your life or someone else’s to shave a few seconds from your arrival time?  Take Ferris’ advice, slow down and look around once in a while so you don’t miss out on life -

The fatality count of 149 is an increase of five from last Monday. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to

Iowa DOT and partners working together to improve safety of rail shipments

Iowa DOT and partners working together to improve safety of rail shipments

June 10, 2016

BNSF fuel trainGovernment has a responsibility to work with our customers to achieve common goals. When done well, with all parties listening and considering the concerns of others, this type of collaboration can yield solutions that everyone can get behind. Such has been the case with a new study released recently that defines the characteristics, risks, prevention, and emergency response systems for incidents involving rail transportation of crude oil and biofuels (principally ethanol) in Iowa. 

The Iowa DOT has a history of positive relationships with the railroads that ship goods within and through our state. The study, thought to be the first of its kind the nation, builds on those relationships using a series of interviews and meetings with government agencies, emergency managers, rail shippers, and oil and biofuels manufacturers to identify challenges and develop recommendations on four main topic areas: prevention of spills, preparedness in the event of a spill, response to an incident, and recovery from an incident.

Maintaining safe mobility as we age

Maintaining safe mobility as we age

June 7, 2016

Polk County Senior Fair 2016For the sixth year in a row, Iowa Department of Transportation staff was on hand as hundreds of seniors converged on the Iowa State Fairgrounds’ Varied Industries Building Wednesday, May 18 for the annual Polk County Senior Fest and Health Fair.

Our folks provided a variety of services including a CarFit event. CarFit utilizes trained Iowa DOT Driver Services employees to work with senior drivers in their own vehicles to make sure all the elements that can be adjusted are set for the best “fit” and safety of the driver. This year 12 drivers were served.

The other DOT draw was our mobile DOT2Go. The vehicle was parked inside the building and 28 people were able to renew their licenses or ID cards on the spot.

Message Monday - June 6, 2016 - Drive Right, Left is for Passing

Message Monday - June 6, 2016 - Drive Right, Left is for Passing

June 6, 2016

6-6 message mondayOn a highway of four lanes or more, the right lane in each direction is considered the driving lane and the left lane, the passing lane.  Although the Iowa DOT has 695 “SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT” signs posted on the Primary Highway System, not all drivers notice them or understand the meaning behind the signs. Others see the signs and think it gives them the right to tailgate or otherwise endanger the safety of slower traffic that might be in the left lane.

The danger comes whenever traffic is moving at uneven speeds, especially if someone is going less than the flow of traffic in the left lane. Did you know driving too slow in the passing lane is actually illegal. Here’s the code section, 321.297.

Service Awards for June 2016

Service Awards for June 2016

June 1, 2016

ServiceawardInformation provided by the Office of Employee Services







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