Message Monday - May 23, 2016 - Got cut off? shake it off, shake it off
So what if some bozo zips right in front of you in the line of traffic? Is that minute or two lost really worth getting all worked up about?
Driving aggressively puts everyone around you in danger. Whether you’re speeding, running a red light, cutting someone off, or tailgating another driver who has behaved badly, a few minutes isn’t worth your life.
Two-thirds of all traffic fatalities involve behaviors associated with aggressive driving. If you see someone driving aggressively, don’t retaliate. Ignore the behavior or pull off to a safe location and report the dangerous driver to 911.
Cops deal with aggressive drivers every day. This Dover Delaware police officer has some good advice for dealing with the bozos out there.
The fatality count of 125 is an increase of five from last Monday. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to