Message Monday - Feb. 8, 2016 - Most valuable player? Designated driver!
The “DD” or designated driver is the most valuable player on the Zero Fatalities team. Just like in a big game, when it’s third down and you need to keep the drive alive, who do you go to? Of course you turn to the MVP, the star player, the team member that you can count on when the game’s on the line.
It’s no different when you are out with friends. When your life is on the line, the goal is much more important than a ring or a trophy. The goal is- getting you home safely.
Just like in the pros, anyone can be an MVP, you just have to be the team player that is on top of their game that day. Success takes teamwork. If one of your friends is the designated driver (MVP) one night, volunteer to carry the team next time you go out.
Here’s an oldie, but a goodie from 2005
The fatality count of 27 is an increase of 6 from last Monday. To see statistics published daily by the Office of Driver Services, go to