Archives: January 2016
DOT2GO deployed to Webster County when vandals damage courthouse
January 4, 2016
When vandals struck the Webster County courthouse in Fort Dodge Dec. 8, county employees were forced to relocate to continue services. The county treasurer’s employees were fortunate that the Iowa DOT’s mobile unit, DOT2GO was available to assist.
Back in September 2014 the mobile unit was completed to serve this very purpose, to assist with driver’s license and vehicle registration needs during emergencies or to go wherever large groups of people in need of assistance were gathered.
DOT2Go offered a place for county treasurer’s employees to set up shop with modified hours on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday following the vandalism. They were able to resume normal operations on Monday, Dec. 14.
Message Monday - Jan. 4, 2016 - Know Safety, No Crashes
January 4, 2016
Are you one of the people who think fatal crashes are just part of the risk you take when you get behind the wheel? They don’t have to be.
A report issued in February 2015 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says the cause of 94 percent of fatal crashes in the United States could be traced back to the driver. Driver inattention was the cause of 41 percent of crashes, while bad decisions by the driver contributed to 33 percent of deaths.