Message Monday - March 30, 2015

3-30-message-mondayIt’s fun to follow your bracket during March Madness; however, with all three Iowa teams losing early in this year’s NCAA basketball tournament, your bracket is probably “busted.” The key to a perfect bracket is predicting the upsets. Although upsets happen every year, no one really knows which team’s season will end earlier than expected.

Car crashes are very similar to the NCAA brackets. They are random and unpredictable. 99% of all crashes are due to driver error. That means crashes can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Your best defense against injury and death is playing offense by using your seat belt.

Wearing your seat belt is one of five behaviors that “Message Monday” targets. (The other four are distracted driving, drowsiness, impaired driving and reckless driving.)

Recently, Fox News interviewed Iowa DOT staff about our weekly safety messages. The story was aired nationally, which not only gets out the messages we have promoted, but also the fact that traffic deaths in Iowa are declining.…/funny-signs-get-drivers-to-thi…/…

We know the Message Monday effort is not the only reason traffic fatalities are going down. The trend is due to everyone’s efforts to make our roads safer. Thank you for continuing to buckle up, slow down, pay attention, driver sober and focus on the road. Zero Fatalities is truly a goal we can all live with.

Today's number of 48 is an increase of 4 over last week.

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