Iowa DOT honored with five Iowa Concrete Paving Association Awards

ICPAThe Iowa Concrete Paving Association recently presented awards to several Iowa DOT projects as part of its “best” Portland cement concrete pavements constructed in 2014. The awards were part of the ICPA’s 51st annual Concrete Paving Workshop held Feb. 4- 5 in Altoona.



Interstate category
Interstate 35 – Decatur County

Interstate - Decatur County
(front row, from left) Kelly Bell, Iowa DOT, Office of Design; Larry Hankins, Flynn Co. Inc.; Gary Hoffmann, Flynn Co. Inc.; Matt Schmitt, Flynn Co. Inc; Mark Gorton, Flynn Co. Inc. (back row, from left) Paul Flattery, Iowa DOT, Office of Design; Mike Flynn, Flynn Co. Inc.; Randall Haag, Iowa DOT, Chariton construction; Jeff Flynn, Flynn Co. Inc.


State road category
Iowa 86 in Dickinson County 

State road
Steven McElmeel, Iowa DOT, Cherokee construction; Kenny Hoenig, Cedar Valley Corp.; John Quandahl, Cedar Valley Corp.; Bob Leon, Cedar Valley Corp.; Raleigh Altenhofen, Iowa DOT, Office of Design


Portland cement concrete overlay category
U.S. 59 in Cherokee County

PCC overlay - US 59 Cherokee small group
Steven McElmeel, Iowa DOT, Cherokee construction; Kenny Hoenig, Cedar Valley Corp.; John Quandahl, Cedar Valley Corp.; Bob Leon, Cedar Valley Corp.


Divided highway category
U.S. 34 in Mills County

Divided highway - Council Bluffs
(front row, from left) Dave Dorsett, Iowa DOT, Council Bluffs construction; Mike Viedorfer, Manatts Inc.; Kenny Alexander, Manatts Inc.; Roy Piper, Manatts Inc. (back row, from left) Joel Clayton, Manatts Inc.; Bryan Tollefson, Iowa DOT, Council Bluffs construction; Kelby Taylor, Manatts Inc.; Tyler Busch, Manatts Inc.


Special recognition category
U.S. 20 in Hamilton County

Special recognition - w Jenny
Brent Rhinehart, Iowa Erosion Control; Jenny Hoskins, Iowa DOT, Jefferson construction; Tony Gustafson, Iowa DOT, District 1 Office

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