Zero Fatalities Message Monday - Oct. 20, 2014
This is National Teen Driver Safety Week. In 2007, Congress dedicated the third week in October every year to this cause to raise awareness of the issue.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 14-18 year olds, both in Iowa and in the U.S. In fact, almost half of the teen drivers involved in a crash die. Yet, a recent survey show that only 25 percent of parents have had a serious talk with their kids about the key components of driving. You are the parent, they are your children, and they still have a lot to learn. You can teach them and you may just help save their lives.
Take some time this week to talk to your teen driver about the five driver behaviors (shown below) that are within their abilities to control. Does your teen tell you that they don’t text while driving? Don’t stop the conversation there. Ask about SnapChat, Instagram or Twitter… it’s not just about texting anymore!
It might be a good time to reflect on your own driving habits. Parents are the biggest source of information and imitation for children and teens, whether we like it or not.
Here are the top five things you can discuss with your kids:
- Eliminating distractions
- Don’t drive while impaired (alcohol, drugs, prescription meds)
- Wear seat belts – every seat, every trip
- Obey posted speed limits
- Don’t drive if you are drowsy