Service awards for March 2014

ServiceawardInformation supplied by the Office of Employee Services

40 years

Norman Miller, Design

35 years

Johnie Peek, Burlington DL station


30 years

James Abbott, Pacific Junction garage; Douglas Clemenson, Ames garage

25 years

Kevin Anderson, Systems Planning; Hope Arthur, Employee Services; Dean Bierwagen, Bridges and Structures; Bonnie Clancy, District 5 Office; Lynn Gemmer, District 6 materials; Roxanne Jackson, Hanlontown garage; Deborah Kroeger, Davenport construction; Kathy LaRue, Design; William Morgan, Pacific Junction garage; Margaret Muxfeldt, Organizational Improvement; Kim Nobiling, Traffic Operations; Nancy Paulson, District 2 Materials; Judy Schlotter, Information Technology Division; Thomas Stolen, District 3 Office; Lawrence Wheeler, Waverly garage; Maury White, Ames garage

20 years

Cathy Aplara, District 5 materials; Rodney Baker, Materials; Thomas Muhlenbruch, Information Technology Division; Chengsheng Ouyang, Materials; Thomas Storey, District 6 field staff; Susan Wallace, Policy and Legislative Services

15 years

Chase Colton, Information Technology Division; Scott Groat, Right of Way; Barbara Honkomp, Spencer DL station; Shad Kent, Osceola garage; Barbara Reth, Cedar Rapids DL station; Ryan Ridout, Motor Vehicle Enforcement; Kirby Salisbury, District 6 materials; Dean Schweitzer, Rock Rapids garage

10 years

Sarah Doser-Sansgaard, Finance

5 years

Angela Johnson, Design; Danielle Mulholland, Des Moines construction; Teresa Salak, Altoona garage


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