Does your school bus need wheels? Sign up for March 24 webinar

Walking-school-busThe Iowa DOT's Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is teaming up with the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Cedar Rapids Walking School Bus committee to discuss walking school bus programs.

A walking school bus is just like a big yellow school bus but without the bus. There is an adult (driver) who walks along a route and “picks up” students who continue on the walk to school.

The SRTS program has been working closely with the Cedar Rapids’ committee to develop a list of options or “menu” for walking school bus programs. These options can provide schools and communities with ideas to build a sustainable walking school bus program.

During the webinar, we will discuss how and why the menu of options was compiled and how they can benefit communities across the state interested in building their own sustainable walking school bus programs.

The Iowa SRTS program will be adding this menu to its already existing “Iowa Walking School Bus Guide” ( and other aspects of the guide will be updated, including volunteer resources and statewide success stories. 

Please join us March 24 at 10:30 a.m. by registering with this link. (

For more information, please contact:

Iowa Bicycle Coalition
P.O. Box 5562
Coralville, IA 52241
Cell: 319-430-7473
Office: 515-309-2867

Email: [email protected]


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