Chaska comes to Miner's rescue

Dan and Burt
(Left to right) Dan Miner, Burt Chaska

There is a quiet hero in our midst. On an otherwise seemingly normal day two friends, Dan Miner, highway technician senior in the District 1 materials office, and Burt Chaska, materials technician 5 in the Office of Construction and Materials, went to lunch at a popular Ames restaurant.

During the course of their meal, Dan began to choke on a bite of his sandwich. When it became apparent that the situation was not going to resolve itself without intervention, Burt took matters into his own hands. He applied the Heimlich maneuver to Dan and was able to dislodge the bite of sandwich that had been obstructing Dan’s airway.

Those of us who know Burt are not surprised that he came to the aid of a friend. Burt is always quick to help when he sees a need or opportunity. Dan’s family, friends, and co-workers are grateful that he is still around to continue bringing his positive attitude and great work ethic to all his efforts, both personal and professional.

Thank you to Burt and to all our Iowa DOT unsung heros.

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